Bio identical Hormone therapy Longmont, CO - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to treat hormonal imbalances associated with aging and health conditions. At Equilibrium Hormone Institute in Longmont, Colorado, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy plans to help patients relieve uncomfortable symptoms of hormonal imbalance and improve quality of life.

How Bioidentical Hormones Differ from Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. That means they can bind to receptors in the body and mimic natural hormones optimally.

In contrast, synthetic hormones contain altered chemical structures that may not fully match natural hormones. This can lead to increased side effects or inadequate treatment.

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Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Some key benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy include:

In summary, BHRT offers a more physiologic approach to hormone therapy for long term benefits.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is diagnosing any imbalances through lab testing and patient evaluations.

Signs and Symptoms

Patients dealing with low hormones often experience symptoms like:

However, symptoms can be tricky to interpret. The experienced practitioners at Equilibrium Hormone Institute dig deeper through testing and evaluations.

Required Lab Tests

Key lab tests for hormone evaluations include:

These tests provide objective data on a patient's hormone activity. However, testing only paints part of the picture.

Patient History and Evaluations

Experienced BHRT practitioners also gather key health and lifestyle details via:

Together, testing and evaluations provide in-depth insight on hormone imbalances.

Get relief from hormonal imbalances, improve your life!

Common Hormone Therapy Protocols

So what does bioidentical hormone replacement actually involve at clinics like Equilibrium Hormone Institute? Let's explore common protocols.

Bioidentical Estrogen

To relieve estrogen deficiency, we often prescribe:

Biest offers an optimal mix of estrogens to mimic natural ratios.

Bioidentical Progesterone

For progesterone deficiencies, we typically recommend:

Prometrium is identical to the progesterone made naturally in the body.

Bioidentical Testosterone

To relieve low testosterone symptoms like fatigue and low libido in men or women, strategies may involve:

These methods allow precise testosterone correction without excess.

Thyroid Hormone

For stubborn symptoms like fatigue or weight gain along with borderline thyroid labs, we may recommend:

This comprehensive therapy can provide complete thyroid correction.

In summary, bioidentical hormones can be highly customized based on each patient's needs for optimal restoration.

Treatment Safety and Oversight

Hormone replacement therapy comes with considerations for patient safety under physician oversight.

Safety Strategies

Key safety practices include:

Treatment starts low and slow with adjustments as needed.

Physician Oversight

All hormone therapy at Equilibrium Hormone Institute happens under registered physician supervision including:

Patients meet directly with nurses, nurse practitioners or physician assistants for consultations, while the overseeing physician reviews all testing and treatment plans for safety.

Medical oversight ensures therapy protocols match each patient's hormone needs without introducing new risks.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies are still needed to fully understand the risks and benefits of bioidentical estrogen and progesterone compared to traditional hormone therapy.

Integrative Treatment Approach

For the best treatment success, Equilibrium Hormone Institute focuses on an integrative plan beyond hormones alone including:

Lifestyle Optimization

We counsel patients on additional ways to support balance including:

Lifestyle plays a major role in managing health.

Local Support Centers

We also connect patients with helpful local resources like:

Supportive care alongside hormone therapy can help patients thrive.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Why Choose Bioidentical HRT?

There are many excellent reasons to explore bioidentical hormone replacement:

In short, Equilibrium Hormone Institute strives to help patients address the root physiological causes of stubborn health issues through natural, bioidentical hormone repair customized specifically for your needs.

If your quality of life has taken a back seat to fatigue, weight gain, low mood or other health frustrations, we encourage you to explore expertly-managed bioidentical hormone replacement tailored just for you. Contact us today for a consultation.

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